by Demon of Undoing » Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:23 am
It just occurred to me as I was giving an entertaining act for my wife on exactly what the FOREX markets and US debt situation was like . I do this sometimes to explain complex points , and as I am an accomplished stand up comedian and actor, in addition to just being generally the shit , hilarity ensued , I assure you .
The upshot was that it is amazing to me that we are now in a position where we still have the rest of the world lined up to buy our debt , which is understood to never actually be repaid to speak of , or else have their current wealth evaporate . We are talking the wealth of several billion people, put together at the price of shackles and millions of gravestones , just getting to the point where they want refrigerators and college educations, like this Jimmy Walker they see on TV . And now ? It 's a race to the bottom as they have to rape their own populations to keep up with us , or the raping will just get worser than it is already worsened . Bugger thy neighbor, more like it, I say .
And our defense now, our level fucking best one ? The rates are still low. She didn't say no. The old guy didn't fight back .
How do I get out of this chickenshit outfit ? I want to go home , take off this uniform and leave the show . Oh, wait, they are shit oh goodness all over home . They are everywhere . What are the chances that, if I were to give you back the beads and blankets, you guys would take half my genetic code and go back to Europe ? Before white man, there was no debt , no taxes , and women did all the work . White man thought he could improve on that .
No worries , a bit of firewater fill fix it , there, eh Odin ?
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.