Thank you Very Much for the FYI and link, Friend Azari.
Had been wondering where you were.............
Sorry that it's not because you were doing something fun: vacation, at an Iranian horse race or Fire Festival..........
Given the way things are going, best for all of us to enjoy life to the extent we can.
IMVVHO I think Cincinnatus is giving good advice.
On the one hand, if you think a pic is DANGEROUS, you are doing a great service by warning.........
But the subject is sooooo black magic that delicacy is sometimes essential when trying to warn of it:
In a PM:
"I could very well be mistaken and am only mentioning this to protect the board from Government goons with a quota to fill who might think that any woman with a bust size under 36DD without gray hair and a rating over 5 could be "chronologically challenged"

Even then, sometimes good deeds are PUNished
We often disagree but yours is a viewpoint that I would not get otherwise ........... which is valuable as I try to consider if I may be mistaken...............
Often am...............
I hope you will continue to post at On the Nature of Things but if you switch back to Diagetics, I will try to check in here too just as I do at the Spengler Forum..... As long as Tinker is willing to maintain this as an active board............
Col. Sun is IMVHO a good guy ...........
Sometimes good people end up fighting.............. Could happen soon...........
I hope this does not become an inter-board war ......... Have seen that...................
Best Regards