by Tinker » Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:19 pm
Man, this guy is as on point as his Dad. I think this guy may be our next President.
Some of us said this in 2001 though. The Right didn't realize that they'd become suspects for behavior that is normal for them. I did. But what do I know? I'm a leftist.
How will those categories be defined? I bet Mr. Perfect and Demon of Undoing would be as high on this list as me.
And the more one's party's political rhetoric becomes about associating their party with being, "American", how long until political threats to that party's line become part of that criteria? You know, kind of like how they rounded up leftists back in 1950s America, in an attempt to y'know, prove we're not like the USSR or something. Is it ok as long as it's only leftists? I mean after all, we're used to that for the past half century, it's kind of part of our status quo. So its not really a problem until they start categorizing REAL Americans that way, right? You know what I mean by REAL Americans, y'know Republicans.
But guess what? Who are the people who own assault rifles? Not me... Who are the people who stockpile food? Not me... Who are the people who weatherize their ammo? Not me...
Oh, so this means that Tinker is probably LOWER on these sorts of lists? Getting up in the streets and chanting and smoking pot are known quantities you say? You mean they are no longer considered radical behavior you say?
Hmm...I wonder.
The canary didn't die because this mine is dangerous, it died because it's lazy and wasn't raised with a proper work ethic.