So Mitt Romney, or Mitt Romeny as Ibrahim might say. The youtubes are positive nightmarish to watch, the flip flop mashups. Good Lord. Those are bad. And looking like a cardboard cut out of President actually hurts him I think more than helps him. But he can certainly beat Obama.
We got into a little discussion here over the mormons, Huntsman vs Romney, and pulled up the wiki pages for the kids.
Huntsman appears to be some kind of hippy with decades of unaccounted time, with a profile we breezed through in a couple of minutes. Romney's took forever, and he appears to be the most qualified Presidential candidate since George Washington. Maybe even accounting for different time periods, more qualified than George Washington.
Go figure.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitt_romney" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
His biggest weakness is that he has done too much with his life. WAY too much.
So CD has been actually talking me into not voting for Romney because essentially he isn't conservative enough. Some people know the GOP has a special place in my heart and not voting GOP every single time and at every opportunity has not entered my mind since I started following politics at the age of 3 years and 10 months. I remember the moment I became politically aware. I was in the car with dear old mum and the radio man said something about the "xyz administration" and my little mind said, "I want to know everything there is to know about THAT". And so I've tried.

So this is rather alarming. Not voting GOP when I have the chance, the universe may cease. So the CD argument in other forum is that he is too liberal. I have been aware of that and don't really care, the GOP house will drive the legislation, Romney certainly will not veto the radical extremist right wing acid soaked legislation so what do I care.
But reading this long bio I certainly got a jolt. This is a mover and a shaker. This is a guy you do not count down or out. He is certainly not omnipotent, but this is probably the most accomplished Presidential candidate we've ever had. I may be forgetting somebody from the 1800's, but in my lifetime? GHWB is the only comparable guy.
So that scares me. A guy this smart, this experienced at operating human machinery, he's going to get his stuff DONE. He gets it. He knows what to do. Obama is in diapers compared to his executive experience and accomplishment. Diapers. Obama isn't in the conversation, Romney is comparable to our great leaders in the past, right out of the box. He's done it all, dealt with being in a high profile family, is accomplished in his church, prestigious academic background (according to Democrats

So if this guy is a liberal, he's going to govern LIBERAL. If he's conservative, whoah. I mean whoah.
This guy has something that we haven't seen since Reagan. He's formidable.
And he's starting off with advantages Reagan did not have, youth and a better resume.
So America, if you've ever wanted a highly qualified candidate, here is your guy.
I hope it works out.