by Demon of Undoing » Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:42 am
You are proving my point. If they are keeping up with various Joneses OR trying to follow the US example, this is nothing for anybody to be happy about. I don't want America to have CBGs. That's not what you confront mainforce enemies with anymore. It's what you use to impose power over regional actors. That's probably bad whoever does it, and the fact that we created the doctrine and practice doesn't make me in any way happy. We need another heavyweight drunk in the bar like we need a kick in the nuts.
Athen, I'm not supporting Cain at all. But I am saying that the hypocrisy of the segments attacking Cain when they likely would have defended Clinton ( or did) is glaring. I thought Clinton proved sex didn't matter.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.