by NapLajoieonSteroids » Thu Oct 27, 2011 4:48 am
A partisan debate about the use of force is absurd nonsense. Firstly, Mr. P recently celebrated the "republican" law enforcement in "democratic" cities, much to the chagrin of certain posters, in which a big back and forth came about. The winner of this hot dog race was Mr.P 'cause he never broke message and declared that all good police usage, and the jobs themselves, had to go to Conservatives to...enforce?...protect? have no clue what that was about, but he ruffled those feathers very well. Then he comes back a few weeks later with almost the opposite message and it's like watching Muhammed Ali float like a butterfly and sting like a bee here. He's luring you in on pure machismo....
Ali is to floating like a butterfly as Mr.P is to canning the spam?
And the best point was made by the Demon of Undoing a few pages back:
Do you know when force isn't used? When the second amendment is talked about seriously and they think you are crazy enough to try something.