by Demon of Undoing » Fri Oct 14, 2011 5:12 am
I must express great disappointment in the OWS list of goals. They really are asking for a bailout. Behavioral, but a behavioral bailout nonetheless. Still, they have the fewest ties to the system, the fewest blood debts. Better they put a shoulder to the wheel than make no attempt at all. But inasmuch as they are not those organizational sociopaths of which I spoke, they will be co-opted, silenced, marginalized and forgotten. Staying within the older mechanisms is playing the reactionaries' game.
I just want to see serious repentance. The " tax me" thing is sort of a start, but misses the point.
Oh well. They ain't there to suit me. Instead I see it as further paralysis and deadlocking, the real toxin of the tragedy in America. Regardless of where my sympathies may sometimes lie, OWS will not beat the Republicans at the ballot box for at least ten years. If that.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.