by YMix » Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:40 am
The autumn is here and it needs the right kind of music.
Emotie de toamnă
A venit toamna, acoperă-mi inima cu ceva,
cu umbra unui copac sau mai bine cu umbra ta.
Mă tem ca n-am să te mai văd, uneori,
că or să-mi crească aripi ascuţite până la nori,
că ai să te ascunzi într-un ochi străin,
şi el o să se-nchidă cu o frunză de pelin.
Şi-atunci mă apropii de pietre şi tac,
iau cuvintele şi le-nec în mare.
Şuier luna şi o rasar şi o prefac
într-o dragoste mare.
Autumn emotion
The autumn is here, cover my heart with something
with the shadow of a tree or, better still, with your shadow.
Sometimes I fear I'll never see you again
that I will grow pointed wings that reach the clouds
that you will hide inside a foreign eye
and that it will close with a wormwood leaf.
And then I get close to the stones and fall silent,
I take the words and drown them in the sea.
I whistle the moon and raise in it the sky and turn it
into a huge love.
(my own translation, trying to stay as close as possible to the Romanian original, sorry if it sounds bad)
Humanity ought to be the first order of interest for humans.