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It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

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It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Hapax Legomenon » Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:06 am

How in hell can Obama get it together in fourteen months?
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Ammianus » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:08 am

Accodring to the Moirae he should have higher, much higher, "priorities" in the next 6 months than his campaign.

Much, much higher.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Tinker » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:09 am

The canary didn't die because this mine is dangerous, it died because it's lazy and wasn't raised with a proper work ethic.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Nonc Hilaire » Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:38 pm

Obama has the money and the political will from those with the money to be elected. The corporate plan is divide and conquer. They will push Obama another term, and continue to vilify him (correctly) so there will be an easy GOP victory in the 2016 election. Obama is there to keep Black Americans pacified during the corporate coup. They are not quite done with us yet.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Najar » Thu Sep 08, 2011 3:55 pm

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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Tinker » Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:28 pm

The canary didn't die because this mine is dangerous, it died because it's lazy and wasn't raised with a proper work ethic.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Najar » Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:45 pm

You are looking at % of bills that he backed . During election time he is going to be questioned on promises he made , such as closing gitmo , bringing back troops (he got us involve in Libya and we dont know how this will turn out. The Brits are already bailing out), repelling bush-tax cuts.

That said, Perry will be a cakewalk for Obama. But Mitt Romney or Ron Paul can topple Obama.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Tinker » Thu Sep 08, 2011 5:50 pm

The canary didn't die because this mine is dangerous, it died because it's lazy and wasn't raised with a proper work ethic.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Tertulian » Thu Sep 08, 2011 7:45 pm


You asked what Obama has accomplished since he was elected? Well, you will be surprised to learn that he has done more in three years than some presidents have done in eight. For example:

http://3chicspolitico.com/president-oba ... lishments/

As for his re-election, I believe that he will be elected. Though, I intend to see his grand alliance with the colonial European powers of France and Britain in Libya, die on the vine
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby rednblacklumberjack » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:05 pm

When listening to Perry's more fiery rhetoric, it seemed to me he was placing his chips on there being a nation-wide sense of loss, of general woe, of perceptions of tragedy and a gut-born, knee-jerk need for catharsis - perhaps even vindication.

What is funny to me is, if ever there are nation-wide sentiments like that, how does the GOP seem obviously preferable to the Democrats? As in, for real.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Tertulian » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:14 pm

Watching the GOP debate and listening to Perry confirmed for me why Bill Clinton called him a "rascal". He comes across as a big time risk taker. I mean what politician goes on national television and declare that Medicare is a "ponzi scheme". Wait till the grey army send their own declaration to him that he is unfit to lead the country at this time. But Perry is just one more example of the tragedy that has befallen the Republicans, a party that seems to lack any ideas of governance except oppose everything that emanates from the other aisle.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Najar » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:30 pm

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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Tinker » Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:09 pm

Why do you think Perry will self destruct?
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Mr. Perfect » Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:21 pm

Last edited by Mr. Perfect on Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Mr. Perfect » Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:27 pm

RIck Perry, Romney, and Ron Paul can all beat Obama. Obama has a 40% chance of re-election.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Mr. Perfect » Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:36 pm

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests Patrick Henry

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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Mr. Perfect » Thu Sep 08, 2011 9:41 pm

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests Patrick Henry

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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Tertulian » Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:26 am

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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Tertulian » Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:34 am

Mr P,

I think that truth telling is not the perception that people get on hearing Perry refer to Social Security the way he did. I could be wrong. My impression on hearing him is of a gambler. A man, if given the chance, will seek to privatize the Social Security fund like George Bush II sought to do. That said, it seems doubtful to me if millions of Americans who have not cottoned to Perry's idea about Social Security will cast their votes for a person with such views.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Mr. Perfect » Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:40 am

Uche, Obama is probably the greatest legislative failure in US history. Never has a President come in with that much popularity and congressional numbers and came out with so little. The only thing on the generational laundry list that he got was a gay military and I have my doubts it will last. Additionally it was passed in the most cowardly manner, after the election. That's it. Nobody on the street can name anything from your lists. He has created for himself a legacy of ineffectiveness, debt and failure. Personally I am very happy how poorly Obama has done, he has done more damage to liberalism than anybody since Ronald Reagan.

And it is reflected in his polling.

http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls ... -1044.html
The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests Patrick Henry

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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Mr. Perfect » Fri Sep 09, 2011 5:42 am

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests Patrick Henry

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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Hapax Legomenon » Fri Sep 09, 2011 7:48 am

History has shown that it is very hard to beat an incumbent, but there is only so much that can be done to steer this ship in the right direction in a little over a year. Win-win to me--either Obama pursues and completes a successful policy or we get someone new in there to give it a shot. This is Obama's chance to prove himself a capable leader. If he can do that, then he deserves reelection. It is a long shot at this point.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Demon of Undoing » Fri Sep 09, 2011 11:40 am

Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Tinker » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:29 pm

The canary didn't die because this mine is dangerous, it died because it's lazy and wasn't raised with a proper work ethic.
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Re: It looks like Mr. P. was right all along

Postby Tinker » Fri Sep 09, 2011 1:32 pm

The canary didn't die because this mine is dangerous, it died because it's lazy and wasn't raised with a proper work ethic.
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