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Diegetics • View topic - Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

This is a temporary forum for the upcoming US election

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Re: Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Postby Tinker » Wed Jul 20, 2011 7:36 pm

I think you both have a good point when you get past the sword fighting.

ST I've made that same argument regarding relative poverty indices. Most American poor are rich by world standards.

skyhook You're right to point out that perhaps being in dire poverty in the US is a harder life than being in dire poverty in Sweden with Sweden's safety net.

Where I grew up there were people living in shanty towns in the desert, their homes were basically just a couple of pieces of plywood nailed together. Something gives me the impression that such does not really exist in Sweden. Are there tent cities in Sweden?

Of course the comparison of Sweden to the US is pretty ridiculous. Sweden is about the population of the state of New Jersey.
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Re: Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Postby NapLajoieonSteroids » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:08 pm

Sweden, like Denmark, has a colorful "tent-city" commune. While overseas I met some of the people living there, they were the sons and daughters of the well off trying to bring about "social consciousness" to...their Swedishness I suppose. :P
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Re: Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Postby skyhook77sfg » Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:48 pm

the corporatists have indeed impoverished americans

compared to Swedes who have

longer runemployment benefits

birthing leaves

one month paid vacations

free child care

free tuition

free health care

for starters ....

pretty much the same in holland norway germany denmark austria finland switzerland ....

but youre still on the AMERICA NUMBER ONE mantra....

true once upon a time

not anymore bubbi...

not anymore

you've been had
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Re: Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Postby NapLajoieonSteroids » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:39 pm

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Re: Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Postby skyhook77sfg » Wed Jul 20, 2011 9:52 pm



replacing corporate ueberpersonhood

with bureaucratic plantation overseers

is not the way to go.....

far right far left ideolgies brought us here....

and its not the sweet spot politically econmically socially

my view is back to hardnosed frontier pragmatism...

guided by one simple imperative....


by that measure we should this very minute

abandon both parties and begin improvising

our way out of the long dark night that

otherwise awaits us ahead....

that light at the end of the tunnel

is a fast moving train headed for us

lets get out of the tunnel for starters
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Re: Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Postby I am ST » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:07 pm

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Re: Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Postby skyhook77sfg » Wed Jul 20, 2011 10:31 pm

kinda obtuse mumbling about something

that seems to make property inviolable

as opposed to humans who are....

but sincee the point if there is one

is couched in academic mumbo jumbo

rather than plain english

can anyone tell me what

he is trying to say?
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Re: Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Postby I am ST » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:34 pm

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Re: Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Postby skyhook77sfg » Wed Jul 20, 2011 11:56 pm


the old far right far left mantras

that experience says both fail the litmus test of reality

but open eyes to the urgent need for an alternative non binary approach

that could be superior to those two two failed choices?
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Re: Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Postby NapLajoieonSteroids » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:00 am

I can't buy into the far-right/far-left divide that I'm supposed to be mad about because I don't think it exists and wasting time being mad at them is a political tactic- a false flag sort of deal. It's like code of one group, because the only people I hear ever pedaling it heavily are people who happen to believe in heavy state interventionist policies.

At the same time, it has become true that both major parties do not represent anyone anymore- but like what ST is saying- a lot of the problem has to do with forcing them to represent everyone all at the same time. When everyone and everything is political, nothing can be solved politically because someone is going to lose out, which creates a bit of cognitive dissonance with the idea that everyone is uber-sovereign at the same time.

Because of this dissonance and the wide range of interests and groups and identities, there is no coherency to any party- and with no coherency, no one has a real choice when picking representatives which leaves us in the hands of corporations who have actual mission statements are are out for themselves with the resources and people power to make their dreams reality.

Getting things done because they "work" is not the problem. And there is no easy or pretty solution for what is going on, it's just that something has to give.
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Re: Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Postby noddy » Thu Jul 21, 2011 1:37 am

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Re: Corporate Insinuation into American Culture

Postby skyhook77sfg » Thu Jul 21, 2011 4:02 am

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