by AzariLoveIran » Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:21 pm
What is the fundamental difference between modern western slaughtering of animals and Jewish/Muslim slaughtering ?
Concern for pain and suffering for the animal
Well ..
- Jewish slaughter is a surprise sudden beheading, in full awareness of the animal
- Western method, is , to knock out the animal (with an electric shock or otherwise) .. and when that animal is sedated (unconscious), to behead
Let's see which one more painless, or somehow human
Is somehow somebody suddenly jumping on you in plain awareness .. or .. Sedated first .. less painless and human ?
Jewish (and Islamic) slaughter is inhuman .. Dutch, rightly so, forbid it
What is so pervert with this David, he looks one straight in the eye and says all those rubbish
Once I cornered him to whether Jewish is a people, ethnicity .. or .. a religion
He said both
I said how can Mr. Goldschmidt (calling himself Goldsmith) be from Hebrew tribe ? ethnically not possible
He very funny .. said through a MIRACLE Mr. Goldschmidt becomes son of Sarah
Well ..
Not that he believes in that garbage
He knows very well, you too consider this rubbish
But , he challenges you to dare to disagree
In FT and ATOL, only Azari told bluntly .. very politely and with fact .. he saying garbage