I still think we agree more than disagree. I actually like Obama's voice, I think it's cute. He's a sexy attractive man.
Surely you are aware of Obama's "bitter clingers," "...typical white person." "I don't have all the facts but the police acted stupidly..." "57 states," "My uncle liberated Auschwitz...." etc. statements.
Regarding who has said more foolish things, Obama or Palin, I'd probably have to let Google make that decision. An hour or so googling Obama gaffes, Palin gaffes, Obama-isms and Palin-isms ought to settle it.
No public figure who has been in the limelight more than 3 months seems to be free of contradictions, lies, and screw ups. Sucks to be a politician in the Information Age.
Obama is by far the better presenter, city mouse vs. country mouse, house wife arguing against a lawyer (hint: don't marry a female lawer!). Comparing the text of a pre-November 2010 Obama speech to an audio recording of the same ought to convince anyone of his obvious gift of delivery.
I absolutely agree, that Palin complaining about gotcha questions during an interview is positively juvenile and cry-babyish. "I'm a victim! Life is unfair" Who in their right mind would want such a whiny-butt as their president?
As she would say..... to someone else: "Buck up or stay in the truck!"
Then again...... Obama..... and Emanual...... and Axlerod........ and Gibbs complaining about Fox news or Limbaugh ("The Republicans can not let Rush Limbaush tell them what to do!") or Beck, strikes me as exactly the same juvenile, cry-babyish "I'm a victim! Life is unfair" attitude
Except then it was an official policy and an extended campaign of POTUS and his staff!!!!
Bizzarre!!! First time in my adult life I've seen any POTUS play the victim card.
That, my friend, is both an indication of an individual's character (actually the character of several players), and a sad, sad statement of our society.
Fascinating times. I don't think who the president is, is anywhere near as important as his/her advisors are, and the hand Fate deals him/her. Events often seem to overwhelm the person occuying the office.
Regarding who I would want to face off against Putin....... hands down Obama.... but Michelle Obama, that is