Look folks , OBL was not a shit nobody ..
He was somebody ..
He would not be left in that place with a bunch of chickens runing around and 3 wifes and bunch of children, buying meat from local butcher etc .. If so, then he was a nobody (anymore)
Fact is, he living there for 5+ yrs, ISI (or other branches of Military intelligence) knew he was there
If so, he would have multiple layers of security .. multiple layers
Flying in, fighting for 40 minutes, flying back out of Pakistan all BS
Most logical and plausible explanation, OBL was under ISI, Pakistani, protection .. he was their guest
Question only, did Americans knew, and agreed
Fact is, OBL was useful for American geopolitical Afghanistan and Central Asian wars
Now, America decided, time to pack and leave .. no need of OBL anymore
So, ISI opens the gates, Americans fly in and murder an unarmed man
Was a mistake
OBL should have been brought back to America, interviewed what the fuck he wants
All hear say, we never heard first hand what he wanted .. maybe those tapes where fake
Buried at sea