by Demon of Undoing » Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:53 am
Two things :
1) Again , regardless of your purposes , to equate the level of military difficulties between Libya and Afghanistan is ludicrous. ' Nuff said.
2) There doesn't need to be a stated NATO favorite outcome for the West to be considered to have meddled in regional affairs. That charge was adjudicated as soon as the first bomb was dropped. Doesn't matter who wins- we altered the balance. And if you think the Euro contract vultures won't be roosting on the corpse of Daffy before he hits room temperature , I have this bundled homeowner - backed security I'd like to sell you. That scramble for market rights will contain as much manipulation and skullduggery as any war might. The region has an alarming propensity to form hostile opinions of Western intervention, damn your white intentions ; can't think of why.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.