Internet for Art

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Internet for Art

Postby call me curious » Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:41 am

This may have been posted by someone else, if so I apologize; this is a hard site to keep up with with so may threads and topics.

This (see link below) suggests that the internet could be a place where art is not only shared but made. What do otheres think? Is this silly or does it suggest something cool to come? I am curious." onclick=";return false;
call me curious
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Re: Internet for Art

Postby noddy » Wed Apr 13, 2011 6:30 am

collaboration on art via the internet has been going on since day one ?

anything that can be digitised is easy to send backwards and forwards between different people... i was sharing samples with people all over the place 15 years ago and many popular music albums are recorded by different musicians around the world just adding their track to the multitrack.

music, pictures and documents (books and screenplays) , movies .. are the obvious and already happening ones.. realtime is even possible if you have fast links and the right software.

its been exciting for ages!


hope i didnt come across too rude, i cant watch video here and couldnt really grok the "new" thing this guy was doing from the text available and for some reason the self promotion style of it always brings out the cynic in me :)

on some levels , this site is a shared artform itself... combatively collaborative cranky cooks
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Re: Internet for Art

Postby call me curious » Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:12 am

Thank you for your reply. My question was posed poorly. I think I was moved by this particular example of collaboration and the specific pieces thay came up with. I understand that an huge amount of sharing goes on and that people do collaborate (and have for some time).

Maybe I am a bit of a rube, but I have not seen much similar to, and on the scale of, what was presented.

In the end, I guess when I saw the video I wanted to share it and I thought of this place.
call me curious
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Re: Internet for Art

Postby noddy » Wed Apr 13, 2011 7:16 am

ahh, i will watch this from home then and comment on this piece when i have been able to see what its about.
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Re: Internet for Art

Postby Sennacherib » Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:33 pm

Thank you for this, Curious. I have nothing useful to add regarding the technical challenges of a large group collaborating over the internet, but I found the video and project fascinating.
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Re: Internet for Art

Postby Tinker » Fri Apr 15, 2011 12:22 pm

My early internet experience was about collaborative art. I got into the internet via role-playing games, and my first online community was the CompuServe RPG forum. Then shortly after I started making electronic music with a dude in Montreal sending samples back and forth.

This was all in the 90s.

Currently collaborative projects and providing platforms for them online are big business. Consulting on such things has put food on my table and paid my rent for a few years.

I'm in the process of producing a web comic with an illustrator in California.
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