by ~ » Mon Apr 04, 2011 5:13 pm
I think some of the "hysteria" may be due to the incomplete information the Japanese are releasing about important facets of what's going on at Fukushima, and the fact that they don't seem to have much of a plan, that TEPCO is obviously overwhelmed, and that this will likely go on for years before some less-than-satisfactory remediation happens.
And with radiation from Fukushima making its way to places like Massachusetts and Scotland, as well as many miles upwind from the plant in Japan, it's now become clear that this situation can spread and affect areas far removed.
There's also a lot of fissile material there. Something on the order of the combined US and Soviet above ground bomb testing programs.
And in almost 4 weeks, we've gone from, "Nothing to worry about" to, "Biggest nuclear disaster in 25 years" with lots of comparison to Chernobyl.
Meanwhile, the press, with little to go on from the tight lipped Japanese and faced with a difficult system of measurements, as well as conflicting reports from ill-informed authorities and experts, is winging it from hundreds and thousands of miles removed from the situation and producing a large spectrum of confusing and conflicting reports. There's also other news grabbing headlines and TV time, so the nuclear reportage is usually limited to headlines that sell papers and analysis pieces that run several thousand words or take an hour of off-prime TV time.
Personally, I don't trust the Japanese government to be any more forthcoming than Col Sun here, for a lot of reasons.
And even though I'd like to get back to good Hentai and tentacle porn as much as the next guy, I don't see a lot of reasons to be optimistic yet.