by Captain Murphy » Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:15 pm
There is no evidence of anything alleged in the Wikipedia page, which relies on hearsay and recollections, most likely taken out of context. Hitler was never recorded to have denounced Christianity as present-day revisionists allege. On the contrary, he was a strong supporter of Christianity, which is why churches flourished under the Third Reich. for an insightful analysis. Reviving Germanic pagan traditions was probably the fantasy of Himmler and his clique but it was not an idea that Hitler supported. In fact, he denounced it and remained in the Church until his death, viewing it as essential to the future prosperity of the German nation. Nazism was an essentially Christian phenomenon, an expression of some of the more twisted aspects of traditional Christianity, namely its antisemitism and its inherently utopian, crusader worldview.
Hitler's alleged views on Islam are taken from Speer's memoirs. There is one quote (and not even a direct quote) of Hitler musing about characteristics of other religions, namely Shinto, surrounded by Speer's own analysis of Hitler's psyche. Hardly evidence of an affinity for Islam, let alone the more devious lie that has been fanned across the Spengler forums, that the evils of Nazism are caused by Islam and that the Islamic faith is sympathetic to Nazism.
All this nonsense has been extrapolated from a single paraphrased statement from someone's memoir published many years after the fact. Interesting that everyone is conveniently ignoring the deeper links between Nazism and Christianity. A common theme on the Spengler forum was that the glories of Western civilization -- science, rationalism, and the Enlightenment -- were attributable directly to Christianity because they evolved from a Christian society. The same line of reasoning leads us to conclude that all the horrors of European "utopianism", including Nazism, are the fruits of Christianity.
Leave Islam out of it.
If you want to see the extent to which Westerners, particularly Americans, have been fed a selectively edited version of history, go ahead and ask them about Hitler's religion. More often then not, they'll tell you he was an atheist and will be shocked to discover his true religion, especially if they are Catholics.
Do you want the moustache on or off?