For some reason, I always got the impression that Dobermans worked well in groups . Of course, that impression was largely informed by watching Magnum PI , as I have never been around them .
Speaking of Magnum PI . True story ;
I went out to this severely rich guy's place one time with a friend that had just bought a car off said well-provisioned individual. In light of the fact that the Willys Jeep he bought was in generally good shape but not running, he needed a lowboy trailer that I had to get the thing home . We made it over to the estate at first light, got buzzed through the gate , and found the Jeep ( there were probably fifty cars in various states of restoration, a hobby that the big man was now getting too old to pursue) . As we back up to the Jeep, a beautiful Asian lady of a certain age showed up, immaculately dressed , and made sure we were finding everything alright . We said we were and went back to work .
After she left, I remarked to my friend that I had seen her before , and that she was always not just well turned out but outright artful in appearance . In addition to being beautiful, she was talented and made her own clothing, he said, and I had not a doubt that if she were to take her things to NY, she'd be a hit .It was her touch I noticed in the property, the loads of flowers and entire swaths of magically arranged topiary and orchids and all manner of other living things . It was like a game preserve or a garden , my friend said , as I went under the Jeep looking to make sure of the state of the driveline . As I near tore my6 scalp on a suspension part, it occurred to me that it was more like the estate from Magnum PI ( the place was huge) .
Just at that point , it occurred to me that the estate on TV had those three Dobermans that were always trying to chew a hole in Tom Selleck . For some reason , I felt an urgent need to know if a similar pack inhabited these grounds, just out of the blue, essentially trapped under the Jeep .
Have you ever felt eyes on you ? Interested eyes , staring , at close distance, eyes you didn't know were there until too late ? Yeah, that's what I felt, strongly, so strongly that I got out from under the Jeep very slowly and quietly. My friend had gone silent , and for some reason in the air, i knew it was the thing to do . As I back crawled out from under the Jeep, my friend was standing with his back to the rear tire , to my left as I stood up , not even daring to dust off . Turning around, thinking for sure I was about to get dogbit , I was greeted with this sight .

All images selected for both breed and general demeanor observed when I turned around . It was the last little guy that kept us from leaving for another twenty minutes. Here I am expecting to have to do hand to dog combat , and got ambushed by a truckload of cute .
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.