This is obviously HRC's war, Obama has no passion for this and the not so behind the scenes behind the scenes leaking was that HRC was the hard pusher for this, hungry warmongerer that she is, over a tepid Obama.
What was clearly not thought through was failure, ie Qboy left in power is a ridiculous failure. I put the odds of Qboy actually being driven from power at well under 20%.
Every other option is a disaster, an aged playboy flipping the bird at the Western World, a Western World who went by the book for a post Bush War, a United UN being led by the French. With odds of disaster in the 80% range.
Which would mean that Obama would have plenty of leverage for asking for HRC's head on a platter, and she would have no choice but to deliver it, ending what little legacy the Democrats have, and another body under the Obama bus.
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