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Diegetics • View topic - What are forums good for ?

What are forums good for ?

A place for cordial conversation on any topic at all.

Moderator: YMix

What are forums good for ?

Postby AzariLoveIran » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:06 pm


Back at the good old days of ATOL & FT, my wife was asking why you posting so much, those people are beyond repair ..

Well ..

My answer was, I'm not talking to those people .. I am making my case to the almighty ..

Well ..

I think these foras are good for dishing as it is .. battling

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Re: What are forums good for ?

Postby Rhapsody » Sat Feb 12, 2011 8:11 pm


Re: What are forums good for ?

Postby Tinker » Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:47 pm

Forums are a great way to test what you believe against others. They are a great way to be introduced to new information.

They are a very good learning tool.
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Re: What are forums good for ?

Postby Hans Bulvai » Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:51 pm

Now I'm far from home
Spending time alone
It's time to set my demons free
Been put to the test
My mind laid to rest
I'm on a psycho holiday
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Re: What are forums good for ?

Postby AzariLoveIran » Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:56 pm

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Re: What are forums good for ?

Postby Sparky » Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:18 pm

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Re: What are forums good for ?

Postby Marcus » Wed Feb 16, 2011 8:55 pm

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Re: What are forums good for ?

Postby noddy » Thu Feb 17, 2011 5:40 am

they are an excellent way for a distracted and frustrated mind to blow off steam whilst procrastinating, and on that note I should get YMix or Tinker to ban me long enough to get this fskcing project deployed.
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Re: What are forums good for ?

Postby Atmosphere » Thu Feb 17, 2011 7:50 pm

A productive forum is full of those getting together to learn and work out problems. Every person comes from a certain perspective and certain expertise, and that knowledge is pooled together in the crucible where the bigger picture is finally revealed. As individuals, we're limited to where we are physically at any time, and we'll only ever glimpse fractions of the world as we go about our lives. But when in a group, the individual fractional minds becomes a collective mind. Someone is an expert in history. Someone is an expert in finance. Someone is an expert in military. Someone has knowledge of this country or that. When pooled into a whole, each of the individuals can then come away with a greater understanding of whatever subject is discussed.
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Re: What are forums good for ?

Postby Yukon Cornelius » Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:27 pm

Just think of it as Plato's Dialogues -- but with .
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Re: What are forums good for ?

Postby Colonel Sun » Thu Feb 17, 2011 11:34 pm

Last edited by Colonel Sun on Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:56 am, edited 2 times in total.
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1. You're now several kilometres away; and

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Re: What are forums good for ?

Postby crashtech » Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:20 am

I think the forum experience improves for me the less tightly I hold onto whatever it is I thought I believed. This is a challenge for me, for many beliefs now seem intrinsic to who I am.

So a good use of the forum, beyond the simple exchange of information and opinion, is to help define who we think we are.
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Re: What are forums good for ?

Postby Colonel Sun » Mon Feb 21, 2011 6:05 am

If one enjoys debating, then forums can certainly be enjoyable.

Also, as other posters have mentioned, having one's views examined, questioned and challenged is a benefit.
Never criticize anyone until you've walked several kilometres in their shoes.

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