by skyhook77sfg » Tue Feb 15, 2011 2:27 am
editorial from todays frontier post
peshawar, pakistan
Time to think
Certainly, it is time for the Islamabad establishment to sit back and weigh carefully what colossal cost has caused to Pakistan its so-called strategic partnership with the United States, whose fragility and unreliability stand disconcertingly exposed by the Americans’ brinkmanship over their double murderer Raymond Davis’s episode.
They are in jitters, revealingly. He may or may not be with diplomatic status. But the Americans’ edginess makes it more than evident that he was engaged in a clandestine errand whose disclosure they fear would be devastating. This spurious partnership have they employed, anyway, as an umbrella for far more sinister pursuits in this country, whose disastrous consequences would haunt this nation for a long time to come, particularly in our tribal region bordering Afghanistan that was left to the satrapy of their CIA to administer and manage by the Bush administration after ousting Taliban.
In its nearly nine-year long satrapy, this American spy agency, known more for successes in subversion in foreign lands and monumental failures in intelligence, pursued an insidious project from its Afghanistan base to infest our tribal region and even some settled areas, in league with the compulsively hostile alien agencies like India’s RAW and Tajik-dominated Afghan intelligence service NDS. So intensive and extensive was their collusive infestation that not long after the Afghan Taliban’s ouster our entire tribal region was abuzz with reports of mule-loads of sophisticated deadly weapons, heaps of cash and even mountain jeeps and vehicles making their way surreptitiously from across the border and landing in questionable hands here....
....then a Pervez Musharraf slavishly playing a Bush’s valet realised that he had been taken for a ride by his American masters whose Afghanistan satrap, CIA, in cahoots with RAW and NDS, had infested the tribal areas so deeply as to neutralise even Pakistan’s own intelligence agencies which this CIA-led evil axis had neatly elbowed out from the region. Aghast and miffed, he found himself into a noisy row with visiting Afghan President Hamid Karzai, both accusing each other of their agencies playing dirty games in their respective country. Outrageously, as the CIA was playing this double game on Pakistan, this wolf in the sheep’s clothing mustered up cacophonic media campaign, of which some of our own palmed-off media worthies and think tanks also became a willing part, to project deceitfully all the while that Pakistan was playing a double game in the so-called US-led war on terror. The viciousness of CIA’s shenanigans in our tribal is indeed unspeakable. When the Pakistani military went into operation in Bajaur agency sometimes back to subdue the surging militants whose insurgency had become a grave threat to the country’s integrity, it found itself fighting against gunmen infiltrating in truckloads from Afghanistan, where the CIA had recruited nearly 90,000 “contractors” when the US-led coalition armies hardly accounted for about 30,000 men in strength, and where over the time several hundreds of thousands of US-supplied weapons had mysterious disappeared from the military stores of the Afghan defence ministry as well as from the bases of the coalition forces. And, notably, these contractors, plainly mercenary killers, included such notorious characters as Blackwater and comprised Afghan and Central Asian fighters as well.
So whose men were these infiltrating gunmen who were fighting against our military in the agency? Like it or not, for the shenanigans of CIA our tribal region has veritably become a ticking tinderbox for our national solidarity and territorial integrity. And while the US-promised economic opportunity zones for the region remain in the air unrealised despite the passage of more than five years, the Pakistani state is getting increasingly precariously placed in the region for the lava of a boiling tribal rage. In contending with the CIA-sown infestation in the region, the Pakistani military is engaged in multiple operations that in spite of all its precautions do cause unavoidably civilian casualties, apart from property losses, inevitable population dislocations and the human miseries necessarily entailed. Then, more civilian than militant casualties occur in the CIA drone incursions which the tribal people now increasingly put in the lap of the Pakistani state, not as much in the aggressing alien attackers’. A volcano of tribal anger is verily in the making against the Pakistani state, for primarily no fault of its own but essentially for the vile shenanigans of the United States, mainly its infamous spy agency for subversion and evil games in foreign countries, the CIA. It is this upcoming volcano that the Islamabad establishment must fret about, not a shady character like Raymond Davis of America. The establishment must do it quick and fast. The time is running out very fast. It must think out how to defuse this ticking tinderbox of tribal anger. If it bursts out, which it will if left untended, it will be well neigh impossible to contain.