You have to read Jittys posts on Kantian epistemology. It's internally coherent , and he is right , IMHO. Becoming correct is almost never possible. Becoming less wrong , is. I'd have to reread it myself , and it is total TL;DR territory. I have a poorly executed meal to prepare over here. After that, it's Bass ale all the way down.
TL;DR I need beer. Also , the proof in the pudding does sort of belie the truth arrived at. But not all the way. Truthfully , I'd like to see tilde's take on this , as he both mentioned Thomisim previously and has maybe the best ready grasp on what I think of as formal logic that I've seen of late. Others are probably as good or better , but they are also older and lazier.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.