by skyhook77sfg » Wed Feb 09, 2011 12:38 am
hot potato getting hotter....
The mystery of American Raymond A. Davis, currently imprisoned in the custody of local police in Lahore, Pakistan and
charged with the Jan. 27 murder of two young men, whom he allegedly shot eight times with pinpoint accuracy through his car
windshield, is growing increasingly murky. Also growing is the anger among Pakistanis that the US is trying to spring him
from a Punjab jail by claiming diplomatic immunity. On Feb. 4, there were massive demonstrations, especially in Lahore,
demanding that Davis be held for trial, an indication of the level of public anger at talk of granting him immunity.
Davis (whose identity was first denied and later confirmed by the US Embassy in Islamabad), and the embassy have claimed
that he was hired as an employee of a US security company called Hyperion Protective Consultants, LLC, which was said to be
located at 5100 North Lane in Orlando, Florida. Business cards for Hyperion were found on Davis by arresting officers.
First, there is not and never has been any such company located at the 5100 North Lane address. It is only an empty
storefront. The Florida Secretary of State’s office, meanwhile, which requires all Florida companies, including LLSs (limited liability
partnerships), to register, has no record, current or lapsed, of a Hyperion Protective Consultants, LLC.
Even the information about what actually transpired is sketchy at this point. American media reports have Davis driving in
Mozang, a busy commercial section of Lahore, and being approached by two threatening men on motorcycles. The US says he
fired in self-defense, through his windshield with his Beretta pistol, remarkably hitting both men four times and killing
both. He then exited his car and photographed both victims with his cell phone, before being arrested by local Lahore
police. Davis, 36, reportedly a former Special Forces officer, was promptly jailed on two counts of murder, and despite
protests by the US Embassy and the State Department that he is a “consular official” responsible for “security,” he
continues to be held pending trial.
What has not been reported in the US media, but which reporter Shaukat Qadir of the Pakistani Express Tribune, says has
been stated by Lahore police authorities, is that the two dead motorcyclists were each shot two times, “probably the fatal
shots,” in the back by Davis. They were also both shot twice from the front. Such ballistics don’t mesh nicely with a
protestation of self-defense.
Also left unmentioned in the US media is what else was found in Davis’ possession. Lahore police say that in addition to
the Beretta he was still holding, and three cell phones retrieved from his pockets, they found a loaded Glock pistol in his
car, along with three full magazines, and a “small telescope.” Again, heavy arms for a consular security officer not even
in the act of guarding any embassy personnel, and what’s with the telescope? Also unmentioned in US accounts: his car was
not an embassy vehicle, but was a local rental .....