by Apollonius » Fri Jan 28, 2011 12:58 am
In imperialist Christian countries you could always find someone who was interested in the culture of the communities being converted. There's always been a tradition of translation, both in words and customs.
Muslims in a position of authority have usually done their best to completely erradicate the indigenous language and its culture, and you find very few people in position of authority who think that it should be otherwise.
As to documentation of Muslim atrocities in history as compared to Christian or Western ones, this gets difficult since there again, Muslims have had so astonishingly little interest in the peoples they have conquered.
It's a fair guess, however, that Muslim incursions into India have probably been responsible for more deaths than all European wars put together.
I've been doing a lot of reading into how Egypt was converted from a Christian to a Muslim country. It's hard digging because the Fatimids and Mamluks weren't as good at keeping records as the Nazis.
Calgary has a Muslim mayor! He's Ammaddiya, though, as are most Muslims in Calgary, so he and all the rest of them would face hanging or stoning or having their house burnt down or worse in your country, and in every Muslim country.