Mr. Perfect , America, USG, actively
solicited , encouraged, inflow of foreign capital .. for decades, biggest American imports foreign capital (and not Oil) .. American presidents, many times, asked on TV, were asked whether they were concerned about this, they said, Bush said, "NO, America is a safe place for foreign money" ..
Basically, the poor world was financing America
Question is why America, USG, wanted foreign money inflow ..
Well ..
This was no accident .. it was calculated ..
Consider this : when foreign Dollars started coming to America, US-Dollar was worth something ..
What does it mean ? ?
It means that a Swiss exchanged,1 Dollar = 3 Swiss Franc, to buy 1 US-Dollar .. lend that Dollar to America .. America took that dollar and bough Swiss assets,
on the cheap .. now, America pays back (to Swiss investor) that borrowed
strong Dollar with
worthless Dollars (1 Dollar = 0.95 Swiss Franc) ..
Basically America fucked the foreign investors ..
China sent you all those goods and got 1 Trillion Dollars .. those Chinese Dollars have lost 40% of value ..
Well ..
What is the result ?
That is why treasury is selling bonds to FED (China net seller of US bonds) ..
That was the price that China had to pay ..
But, who is really screwed ?
Arabs ..
America was partying and foreigners were paying the bills .. not anymore
Dollar could drop to fifty cent Canadian, probably lower .. like Turkish Lira ..