I don't have the time to check the histrionics above to see if anyone checked things like... oh I don't know... the response from Stanford, that makes it clear this guy is retired?
http://goo.gl/2TO3BOr his webpage, where you can read the remark in context: he is responding to spam emails about admission and says; I post in full here, because clicking on a link might sooo hurty for those who prefer their little hissy fits:
"Question: Can I get into Stanford?
Answer: Probably not. At least I can't help you.
Admissions for undergraduates are not handled by faculty at Stanford or any US school. For graduate work, a committee of faculty and students selects admittees. The process is honest and fair; no faculty member can or would influence the process."
http://goo.gl/Oi28JI even bolded the part that places his comment in context for you twerps. Am I not merciful?