by Demon of Undoing » Mon Jan 17, 2011 3:51 am
Just looking really quickly at that article I see some methodology gaps , and if I notice them , there are likely more.
For instance , correlating it to tighter gun control is a great idea , but the three laws they constituted as evidence of such control is off. None of those three pieces of legislation have had significant impact , and two of them ( trigger locks and storage requirements ) aren't gun control bits so much as measures designed to cut down on kids accidentally shooting themselves ( which while tragic is not something that occurs often , statistically speaking). As to the AWB , I don't see them having much of an effect because of the patchwork nature of both enforcement ( Arizona never gave a damn about flash hiders , and they are right next door) and even the subject of the ban. The same rifle could be had as long as it had a different stock and mo bayonet lug. How that makes people safer , or makes sense , is beyond me.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.