by Demon of Undoing » Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:17 am
No , actually , it's the level of economic analysis I am willing to do with you on this subject. I think all the love went out some time ago , and if I have to dig up three years of argument , well , me and Billy Brag decided some time back that we only give our life for love. Not doing it for a fight , it simply doesn't matter and you are unlikely to be moved anyways , as am I. We sit on two different sides of this issue, completely independently of any consideration of tribe. As mentioned , I've read enough of the various wings of the issue to know ( and where have I heard this before ) initial assumptions determine almost everything after. I'm simply not going through reams of it, I gave it up for Lent and it never found it's way back.
At any rate , if you're done with your wiseassery , I'll be done with mine. I'm done with mine , in any event. You can have all the last words you like.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.