by Demon of Undoing » Sat Dec 25, 2010 9:18 am
If you get the implications, yes, this is beyond WikiLeaks stuff. Way beyond. If this is the dirt Assange has, whoo boy.
1) According to an alleged source , a trader inside JP Morgan, there is no physical silver left, and no physical gold left. The recent sells to India were for metal that flat out doesn't exist. Huge, huge, unprecedented , outright theft . Total breach of trust . The kind of shit that makes people stop taking your money seriously.
2) China and Russia are buying all available physical contracts. This means that , when it shakes loose, they will be in a serious driver's seat, especially in light of the fact that they may be the last men standing.
3) If JP Morgue has two people in a five person oversight committee on payroll, and it is further tied into the BIS , there are certifiable criminal names that may well be responsible for the ass falling right out of America.
4)" Normalcy bias " . Get used to evolving it. It will be severely tried . If I had a "DEFCON3" button, this would trigger it . And DEFCON2 might be days or weeks away . This could happen very quickly.
Alph, would love to get your stabilizing influence on this. Tell me this ain't happening.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.