by Demon of Undoing » Sat Dec 25, 2010 6:38 am
I know Tinker to an intellectual depth that I cannot say I share with any other human being at this time. I have spoken with him about the most personal and intense matters , in all conceivable fields except math ( hey, nobody's perfect) for over four years. Most people aren't married that long. There is a very good chance that I have typed more to him than I have spoken to my wife, even though I have been married for ten years ( assuming a word count, as we are some verbiage- enhanced mofos. Signifying nothing, maybe, but dude, dig the syllables !) .
I can see when something I say has effected him, and I am sure he can when the same happens from his end. I know it happens, I could get all literature critical analysis-y and break it down if I gave a damn to do so . But I only say this as an extreme of the proof , one that also occurs all over these here fora between which we have slagged ourselves to and fro . To a lesser extent , the same happens to and with all the core that have been here . I know for a fact Col Sun has changed my mind about some issues with MMGW and other aspects of technology . In typical, inscrutable, sword waving, Yasukuni -visiting Japanese fashion, though, I couldn't tell you hardly a thing about his personal life. ST has brought up enough stuff that I have lost count. This isn't a hit parade and I am not trotting out favorites, which is my point- all of you that have contributed significantly ( and pretty much everybody here is a three-time volunteer , like the old SF guys ) have contributed to the voices in my head . All of you . And I shower obsessively as a result ( just kidding) .
We are a hive. We are like the Drummers, only I am not fucking any of you ( not that I wouldn't , that crashtech is a sexy bitch , I've seen his tractor pecs) . I have bragged on the intellect or accomplishment of any number of you as a buttress to the credibility of " the forum I go to " and the arguments there distilled . Where have any of you, those of you that did more in school than flip pencils into the acoustic tiled ceilings, had such a breadth and depth of discussion as is encountered here ? Look in your mind and think how much bullshit you have been able to burn down, in real time, as somebody confronted you with some jazz or another that might have otherwise come at you out of left field . Even the rat bastards that I have absolutely loathed ( and that doesn't necessarily mean I won't talk to them) have almost without exception still taught me things. If nothing else, they have sharpened my arguments for my own points, as there are no waterheads, slackjaws, non-hackers or poodle pumpers in this here outfit . All of you are smart people, seriously smart people , each in your own way. Some of you , in a lot of ways . I trust the information sharing, decisions trees , background knowledge and real-time awareness of the people just here at this forum- let alone including the lost ones like Collingwood, Calinescu, and others) more than anybody in my circle of physical contact . If I were going to war, I know who would run my intel staff, who my ops staff, who my logistics, etc etc .
Look, I don't want to marry any of you assbags ( again, except crashtech, ) , but how are we not a hive ?
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.