by Demon of Undoing » Tue Dec 21, 2010 2:04 pm
I'd just like to put together a little note to the American people:
I told you so. When The War on Drugs was the latest team sport, and they were confiscating anything and everything they could get their hands on, regardless of whether it even belonged to the malefactor , I told you this would get out of hand . I told you it looked more like the Inquisition than law and order . I told you that the militarization of the American police would not happen in a vacuum . I told you that government does not build a capacity only to use it less and less ; instead , they tend to use it more and more, with increasingly less reference to its original intent . I told you that if you got used to seeing bigger and bigger machines used to spy on, interfere with and arrest your neighbor for his personal idiosyncrasies, it would be a matter of time before it came after you for even less reason . I told you that if you used your personal tastes as a weapon, you would one day find yourself the anti-flavor of the month . I told you , as you reveled in watching the darkies do the frog walk on " Cops" that you don't glamorize the function of the state organs or they will make you part of the show. You called me paranoid .You didn't listen.
Now , in your own self interest, you can't even be bothered to be concerned because it still smells like something official. Even though you have that funny tickling feeling in the back of your throat from the anal probes the authorities are handing out , even though you are having your kids sexually assaulted by strangers; even though your garbage man is watching, and the government continually censors what you learn , you still can'
t be bothered to put down the fucking toys .
And I must say at this point, if ever you are searching for sympathy, look in the dictionary between " shit" and " syphilis" . I am fresh out.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.