by Demon of Undoing » Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:37 pm
Oy . This again. Yes, there was a countdown to when Miss Watson reached the age of majority , purely for PR reasons.
Even though I am positively psychopathic about the defense of children ( I have three daughters , for any of whom I would be happy to show a malefactor their own spleen) , it really does need to be acknowledged that evolution did not make the biological age of maturity so late as 18 . Fourteen is historically closer to the norm ( witness Romeo and Juliet) , though that is admittedly an affair between peers . On the whole, it's not quite the same thing if the guy is 40 . Which is also something of an historical norm , come to think of it .
We have a malfunction with age and sexuality in the West , and caution is more than warranted . I think Endo may have been sabotaged by his word choice .
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.