Here is the thing that is bothering me about the Tea Party. How can a guy like Glenn Beck be taken seriously as someone who will 'restore honor'. This guy is Howard Stern in Conservative drag. I would have sympathy, and a lot of it for the Tea Party if there were some consistency and a sense of REAL honor. But if you bring up these ideas you just get shouted down and ignored. Glenn Beck is a man who made his name by ridiculing a woman for having a miscarriage publically on his radio show. How can a man like that 'restore honor'? Glenn Beck is seriously an evil man, misleading what seems to be an army of morons. How can we take them seriously if they do not see the wolf in their midst?
The idea of taking back local control is very near and dear to my heart, but it seems mostly like an excuse for hate and ignorance. The restoration of honor is a worthy goal, but shouldn't we look to honorable leaders or even better yet, when our movement is based on self-reliance, look toward honor in ourselves?