by Demon of Undoing » Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:49 am
See , this is what has bothered me all along when speaking of the American " solution" to the currency situation. Every time I mention that you can only abuse your investors so much , I have constantly received some sort of response that varies on the " where else they gonna go/they ain't leavin' yet" theme . This is the language of abusive husbands , not trading partners . Everybody holding a dollar is an investor , and while they may not be able to do much about your rates in the short term , eventually, people will find a away to not rely upon you . So you get things like the yuan/ruble exchange , and a dozen other items that buttress the same point .
Maybe Americans will bend over for anybody that puts on a rubber glove , but the rest of the world may not be so inclined . I think the math wizards have underestimated the human element again.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.