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Diegetics • View topic - The "Government is fucking you" thread

The "Government is fucking you" thread

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The "Government is fucking you" thread

Postby YMix » Thu Aug 26, 2010 3:30 pm

Humanity ought to be the first order of interest for humans.
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Re: The "Government is fucking you" thread

Postby YMix » Thu Aug 26, 2010 4:03 pm

Humanity ought to be the first order of interest for humans.
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Re: The "Government is fucking you" thread

Postby Endovelico » Thu Aug 26, 2010 5:56 pm

This thing does really bother me, because it will make it so much more difficult for a nation to recover its freedom if it ever falls under any type of dictatorship. When I criticize the Patriot Act I'm not concerned only with its immediate effects, but also with the fact that once you get that type of legislation there is absolutely no reason for a government not to keep it permanently and restrict everybody's rights. The right to rebel becomes impossible to fulfill, and dictators will, for the first time ever, be capable of preserving their power for ever. No more revolutions, like the American, the French and the Russian ones. No more Sierra Maestra rebels. No conspiracy will be able to match the dictatorial government's technical capabilities. Only the armed forces could be used to overthrow an illegitimate government, and the fact that the armed forces have become professional will make that nearly impossible. The reason why I am so strongly anti-capitalist is because capitalism makes it possible to gather enough financial means to corrupt practically anybody who could stand in the way of a dictatorial takeover. By allowing such concentrations of wealth we are guaranteeing an end to our liberty. Just wait and see.
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Re: The "Government is fucking you" thread

Postby YMix » Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:22 pm

I'm not worried about capitalism so much, although I don't really like it. My problem is city living. City residents are dependent on retailers and on city utilities networks for their most basic needs. You can't start a revolution if you can be surrounded and starved in a matter of days. The government can simply wait you out.
Humanity ought to be the first order of interest for humans.
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Re: The "Government is fucking you" thread

Postby Hans Bulvai » Fri Aug 27, 2010 4:15 am

Worry not.

Too much dependence on technology is the ultimate weakness.
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Re: The "Government is fucking you" thread

Postby Tinker » Sat Aug 28, 2010 11:50 pm

The government in some ways is behind the private sector in tyranny. The private sector will quickly eclipse the government and the government will simply subpoena the private sector's big brother ways.
The canary didn't die because this mine is dangerous, it died because it's lazy and wasn't raised with a proper work ethic.
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