by Demon of Undoing » Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:33 am
Hot. Hot as hot. Hot hot hot.
Too hot for the daughter to make the trek back after swimming, she was flagging on the way in. The J did not show, so I went solo, back the ( as the pedometer on the iphone read) 4.2 miles to the car while she stayed at the springs. It was 1530, thermometer read 98 F, index at 112. Not a lot of shade, but thick brush nonetheless as the trail was often either overgrown or growing into the trail. Went through 5L of water in a 2.25 hr hike. Only a few ticks, which is nice( no indication of Lyme disease). I ran a turkey hen and chicks about a quarter mile on the trail where the brush on either side was thick enough that they didn't want to dive through. It was so hot they were almost incapable of normal turkey speeds, could maybe have got one with a pistol. That would have been a great story. And a Federal offense, as the area is a deer breeding ground in a national forest. Gun heap big non-no. Lots of hills I didn't appreciate ( karst topography) until I was legging up the bastards.
I need a sombrero or a coolie hat for that crap, except the brush will yank it right the hell off. The doo rag only goes so far. Forest hiking season is done until October. At Paris Island, it would have been a black flag day and they wouldn't have done the march ( in the fleet? Pfffft. Screw your heat exhaustion, buddy, there's a machine gun gotta get up the mountain, it ain't gonna hump itself). Even I got a little light headed and head achey. Learning the virtue of sweat is one thing, but I'm not going to be Torquemada.
I look like shit in velvet, and it chafes.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.