by AzariLoveIran » Thu Sep 16, 2010 6:51 am
I spend lots of time to post here ..
Why ?
Because I would like westerners, YOU , to understand , the other side's view about all the issues , not only Iran's views , but the other sides views .. for YOU, the westerners, to understand the logic (the mindset) of the other civilization (code word Iran) .. Western Media, Westerners, YOU, often complain they don't know what these (ME people, Muslims, etc) people want .. I am trying to tell YOU what they think and want (on any subject) ..
Iran, for me in this fora, is synonym for the " other civilization " .. when I say Iran, I mean the other, the alternative, view and civilization .. my aim is not to glorify IRAN, but show you guys how the other civilization, the alternative, would handle and think about the issues at hand ..
That's why I start many threads with subjects unrelated to Iran (the other civilization) .. but down the road, relate the subject of the thread, to the other civilization (code word Iran) .. to show YOU the westerners, how the other civilization (code word Iran) thinks about that issue and why .. that is the best way to start understand the other side ..
That is my main goal here on this fora .. that's why I am here .. to enlighten and teach the participants "what the view of the other side (Iran the code word) would be on any issue and how the other civilization (code word Iran) would handle it (or IS handling it) ..
I am not here to hammer you guys that Iran a big shot or Iranians big guys or America this or Europe that .. sometimes come to that, but only in reaction of belittling (or attacking) Iran (the other civilization)
You have misunderstood why I'm here spending so much time .. that's why you feel I'm either spammer or troll .. you wonder why Azari brings Iran to any unrelated subjects ? Azari spamming ..
What does this mean ? ?
If I post in Iran thread .. or .. post in other threads (non Iran related thread) debate like a westerner .. I become one of you guys, waste of time for YOU and for I.
Reason is I'm neither Iran New agency, nor Am I a westerner (plenty on this fora)
The participants here should be extremely, extremely, appreciative to have somebody (Azari) that knows west inside out (western civilization) but is from the other camp (Iranian civilization) .. somebody who understands western logic and can explain the other side with western logic so that westerners understand, relate.
I'm doing this free of charge ..
Now ..
If Participants not comfortable with the above, don't want knowing and start learning about the other side, don't want the views of the other side about all issues (in the different thread) debated here .. or feel offended by what Azari says, content or style .. fair enough .. no hard feeling .. Azari will quit posting ..
That is why participant should express themselves to this issue ..
They want to learn the views of the other side .. or not ..
Tinker (PM) and others have said I should post in Iran (or Iran/Israel) thread .. or not relate everything to Iran ..
Well .. above, you can read my answer ..
So .. pls .. everybody .. post your position about what I said above .. no hard feeling .. you want to know the other side