by rednblacklumberjack » Mon Apr 11, 2011 4:31 pm
So, at a bored moment this weekend, I made my way through part of the tutorial. I was hungry to see/feel how the game actually presents. I've seen videos and screenshots and I wasn't sure how it all comes together. What is the play like? To be frank, there could be countless stories that take place in space that would be as dull as it is cold and empty. But I was instantly struck by EVE's theatrical take on space travel and especially the arrival at intricate, monumental space stations. It's really a treat for the eyes, and something that tempts me towards one of those Dell Ultrasharps...
The 3D navigation is handled well, allowing you to bask in the 3D breadth, and entrust a point-and-click interface for when you actually want to travel somewhere.
Honestly, with the weather getting nicer and all that, I feel its a poor time to start playing this hardcore, but if I could learn some basics, I think the goal is to return to it when the weather sours again.
Tinker, I'd love to hear anything you have to say about succeeding in EVE. I forgot just how much more there is than mere ship navigation.
with a hat to match