This forum

This is the place for discussions of the aspects of the subjective life.

Moderator: YMix

This forum

Postby storyteller » Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:11 pm

This forum will be moderated but very lightly. The expectation that you will keep a modicum of civility is there. Only truly threatening behavior or spam will be cause for a banning. Uncivil trolling will be sent to Hell.

If you cannot handle a level of raucous behavior, then this isn't your forum. I want lively discussion, and I figure people can judge who is who. The best way to moderate a forum is:


If users don't allow themselves to be a part of derailing a good topic, one or three posts from a troll won't derail it. If someone is intentionally trying to derail a discussion it will be split into its own thread.

phpBB has a temporary suspension feature. This is like time-out for a child. I'd hate to use it against adults, but there won't be a cumulative effect leading toward banning.

This is a private board and I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason.

Child Pornography will be deleted and reported to the police.
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Re: This forum

Postby Endovelico » Fri Aug 12, 2011 11:42 am

I suddenly realized (don't take it too hard on me for having taken this long...) that this forum - or its better parts - is a new form of the ancient Greek philosophical dialogue. And I wondered whether it wouldn't be interesting to edit some of our threads under such a format and publish them. There are some extremely thoughtful posts which should not be lost, and I guess some people who are not part of our group would enjoy having access to them.

Any thoughts on this?...
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Re: This forum

Postby Tinker » Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:36 pm

I agree. This is why I am thinking of organizing it more topically.
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Re: This forum

Postby Colonel Sun » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:30 pm

Lately there seems to be about 9 to 12 Guest looking at this forum. This is new.

Real potential posters?

Search engines?

Spam bots?
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1. You're now several kilometres away; and

2. You've got their shoes.
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