by AzariLoveIran » Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:58 am
There's an argument, that wealth, capital, of the wealthy, must be preserved .. the wealthy take risk and create wealth .. idea is, these people are in danger being striped naked by the avalanche of demands by hard pressed middle class ..
Middle class would not give up so easily their privileges (free ride) gained when west was fighting communism and had to keep the herd happy .. Middle Class is going to fight for those fringe benefits .. demanding the rich should pay for it
Well, if the rich pay for middle class excess demands, the rich will be disarmed .. they would lose their risk capital ..
Result would be socialism .. meaning the state has to act as risk taker .. state industry and state companies ..
Result is something much worst than communism .. Socialism ..
That is why there must be a place where the rich can keep their money, risk capital, safe from liberals and socialists ..