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The Creative Destruction Thread!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 5:50 pm
by Milo
On the board-that-shall-not-be-named I had a newspaper death watch thread and on here Tink did the future is FARTS thread!

So what other industries are dying out there? Bookshops and Video clubs are 2 likely nominations. Pulp and paper? Movie studios?

And where should we be looking for jobs? Or should we just get ready for Mad Max? The Rapture?

Re: The Creative Destruction Thread!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2011 10:23 pm
by rednblacklumberjack
I don't know what's dying, or at least have trouble labeling it. The healthcare industry is transforming in powerful, complicated ways. People do not appreciate how antiquated and "underserved" by basic technology health care remains, as in status quo 2011. Solving that problem now and in the future will employ many people.

WMT and IBM lurk in the background of healthcare, although they do not seem to blaze trails. It's interesting to ponder how we will achieve a goal like wellness and how we will deliver healing in the future.