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Diegetics • View topic - The Death of the Fringe Suburb
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The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Mon Dec 05, 2011 11:59 pm
by Tinker

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:18 am
by Mr. Perfect

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:19 am
by the glowing carp
My hometown Adelaide has the same thing, auto-manufacturing plants, either dead or undead at the fringes with the resultant boarded up houses and dead future zones. The only thing keeping our auto-industry afloat is Government protection.

There goes the 'daemon F+M' meme, we have no F+M equivalent here.

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:30 am
by Tinker

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:31 am
by the glowing carp

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:33 am
by Tinker
Well I guess this thread will go back to arguing about the same things we've said over and over again for the past nearly five years and everyone can just use it as an opportunity to get up onto their soapboxes and repeat the mantras of their various political messaging about whether or not the other political party can shoulder the whole blame for the mortgage crisis or not.

Wake me up if anyone has anything interesting to say about the actual topic.

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:35 am
by Mr. Perfect
We have city centers and walking districts. NYC only compares to a handful maybe of other places in the country so not a particularly useful standard. Last I heard people were moving out of the cities.

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:37 am
by Mr. Perfect

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:38 am
by Tinker

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:38 am
by noddy
does this represent a change to even more higher density inner city coastal living or are people moving to inland less populated areas.. any stats for that ?


hahahah. by the time i posted this, that was the topic :P

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:40 am
by Tinker

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 1:52 am
by the glowing carp
The article suggests that precipitous decline in exurb housing value was a result of generational change rippling from the synchronicity of Baby boomers repoductive cycle.

While WW2 is long gone perhaps it should be seen as still influential in a group dynamic sense, it forms a locus for events to exert themselves consistantly over the population.

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:23 am
by Colonel Sun
Unsurprisingly, this issue of suburbs and cities migration has been studied

I doubt that various local anecdotes provide a good sample of what is actually occurring.

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 2:35 am
by noddy

Re: The Death of the Fringe Suburb

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2011 4:57 am
by Tinker