Wow. Talk about a topic set up to bait Mr. Perfect.
Which is it Tinker? The Republicans and Democrats are the same and on the same wave length; or is it the Republicans are dumber than their more sophisticated counterparts?
Any bitching by Republicans is to make their base feel good and this is a non-story from the get-go. Even Yosemite Perry wouldn't commit a huge faux pas in the same situation- it's one of the strengths of bureaucracy: you have professionals directing your words and habits when dealing with foreigners. The inverse of this of course is our relationship to Saudi Arabia. For all the moaning the Democrats did about Bush and the Saudi princes- no one has the guts (or is crazy enough) to severe ties with our oil daddies. From Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama- these relationships run pretty smoothly as planned despite the false bravado and outrage meant to speak against the opposition and not the foreigners.
A more interesting aspect, to me, is that twenty years ago, if one party criticized the other on foreign policy for the sake of playing to their base; their criticism would most likely not cause a ripple or stir with the third (presumably aggrieved) party.
Now with the internet, as blocked as it is, the Chinese (in this instance) are more likely to hear these silly squabbles and take them as possible perception changers.
So it makes politicking more detrimental cause it
could actually cause harm. But we also can't limit our speech to take into account the feelings of everyone- and as much as I loathe it, "rah-rah rally" type complaints are a cornerstone of democratic governance. An appeal to emotional responses is what gets voted hardened for parties and into the voting booth. That's how people work; so what future do we have where speeches can be misinterpreted so easily between the peoples of two states?