by Demon of Undoing » Sat Jun 04, 2011 9:46 pm
I know where Cinci is coming from , in that the reality is that a person really does have an inalienable right to live or die , and that can't be removed. Much of the to- do is lipstick on a pig. But Tink is right , after a point when it really becomes needed most , the methods will elude most people.
Anybody that says life should go on no matter what needs to spend time at hospice. Nothing like watching family members pick up psychological scarring as their grandma begs to die every time she's conscious. I personally hope I can stay with it all the way to the fade to black , but I reserve the right to change my mind due to circumstances. There are too many ways to die that take weeks and months , not hours or even days.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.