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Drudgereport and ideas of Civil Order, Harmony, Justice

PostPosted: Tue May 31, 2011 11:00 pm
by rednblacklumberjack
So, anyone who compulsively checks the Drudgereport was treated to this front page throughout today (still going strong @ 5:51 central):


Few things I wonder about:

-Is this hot weather induced? These things don't happen at ice rinks.

-What meets the definition of "riot" that is used so often in these headlines? It seems there are isolated events of violence but that these emerged from some larger group-vs-group confrontations.

-Note the inter-generational (and @ "urban") vibe. Does this provide a helpful prologue to GOP strategy in 2012? Obama voters are storming our pool!*

-What does this mean in the context of police power? Is this media helpful to bigger police departments? Do those PDs want to eat the lunch of private security who can't call in a riot response?

*Also note: South Park detected the waterpark as an indicator of historical change in a recent episode. These stories are more or less that plotline.