by Demon of Undoing » Sat Oct 30, 2010 8:54 pm
There's back and forth, and then there is making moves that can ruin somebody's economy . If we ramp our currency down as far as we can ( and that seems to be the plan) , it will have concrete consequences to China's ability to export here ( and everywhere ) . Not sure they will just take that sitting down , especially considering that exporting is going to be their only surefire means of survival, as the domestic market can only grow so fast. Other than that, they have predicated growth and internal stability ( and therefore trade and regional stability) to easy exports . If you think they ought to have a harder time at it , fine, but be aware what you are asking for, because you are going to get it, for sure.
If you are just going to remove sense of scale by just saying " Yah, it's capitalism, anything goes" well then don't be surprised when it goes from a trade war to a shooting war. Remember , what got the shooting going in earnest in WWII was not the economic downturn in and of itself, but because protectionism and trade collapsed in time with " national interests " . We can either do national interests or global trade and stability interests, not both at the same time .
It really boils down to who suffers less from shedding overcapacity in the short term . Seeing as how there is a crapload of overcapacity to shed ( unless we keep playing "endless debt for consumption") , all will suffer . But the sorting out might be seriously unpleasant for some . I say chart a middle path.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.