by Demon of Undoing » Tue Jan 11, 2011 7:10 am
Tinker , you say SP is not responsible on the one hand, but then insist that it is reasonable to expect that her imagery might inspire insane people . Why say that in this context , where people are saying she is guilty of something , if she doesn't have culpability ? Yes , it's correct , but there are people using that reality as the stepping stone to the accusation that SP has a concrete part of the actions of the clearly insane . The responsible use of speech ( nobody in their right mind had any idea other than Palin was talking campaigning , not shooting) , even provocative speech , is not to in any way be tainted or restricted by irresponsible behavior . This is why what a nut with a gun does has little to no bearing on the regulations that a responsible and law abiding gun owner ought to have to endure . The sane are not responsible for the actions of the mad . Yet that is just what many on the left are arguing should happen .
Yes , I know that you are not arguing for any restrictions. But pointing out semiotics and what not in this case piggybacks right on top of some seriously irresponsible allegations that are inimical to free speech . You must understand why you are perceived to be where you are perceived to be on this issue. You appear to be arguing for the left because your truth advances their agenda . I admit that the truth I advance , that the guy is a nut and a sole actor, advances ( in this instance) the cause of the right . Neither of us is wrong . But as reality is formulated by the presentations and manipulations of truth , and in light of goals championed ( by the left , calls for restriction of free speech ), I think one of us is on the wrong side of the argument on behalf of freedom , by proxy . Do you see what I am saying ? The game is afoot , even when we play no games.
That I admit the veracity of your base truth also echoes your point that yes, this is exactly and precisely 5th gen war , and the only thing that can be done about it is a crackdown so severe that it would spawn action out of more organized, fourth gen actors . The cascade effect , if you will . This is practically axiomatic to what I have been on about for some time . However, and I am being honest here, I did not mention it or even allude to it because I have no desire to advance a rhetorical point before the funerals are performed . There will be time for after action reports later, and yes, by God, I will be engaging in a bit of " I told you so" for the crowd . Not now, though .
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.