with a hat tip to secular humanism and tribal democracy.
for the first time in the last 100 years, australias 2 party system is suspiciously missing a party.
http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/nati ... 6027698798NSW, the biggest state (thusly the most politically dominant one) has completey and utterly rejected the labour/green coalition that is currently the federal government by not voting for any of them in the latest state election.... barely 20% of seats went to the left, and none to the greens.
usually in australia its a fairly even 45/55 split with 40/60 considered a landslide... recently its been getting more wobbly.
the intersting thing is the "unpalatables" each party is carrying to get a magority ... for the liberals its the ultra fundies (no gays, no immigrants) and for the labour its the communists in everything but name that is the greens.
the "thoughtful" (cough) middle class voted the labour/green coalition in as a tonic against the liberal fundies, however they have almost overnight blown all the budget and decided to raise taxes and bring in communist schemes, and the "thoughtfuls" (cough) have run scared back to the liberals, because gay marriage isnt as important as a comfy lifestyle and stable economics.
the green alliance with its anti worker themes and tax everything to death mottos also destroyed the labour parties declared base, the lower middle class workers who can barely survive in the current housing climate .. the last thing they wanted was more taxes and more crawling to government to justify rebates.
on top of this, the labour party shot itself in every magor body part by declaring itself anti gay marriage and immigration (mindboggling!)
if only a right wing person let the gays have civil unions and handled immigration with a bit more nuance, i suspect the labour/green party would never get a vote ever again.