by Demon of Undoing » Tue Apr 19, 2011 3:48 am
And let me clarify in regards to targeting , difficulty of.
Coordinating targets for attack choppers is easy on an open plain. In urban settings , with mixed lines , civilian pockets and an inability to identify one Nissan full if idiots from another , it becomes a challenge. US units use dedicated , specially trained combat controllers and they still have the devil's own time killing the right guys/ not killing the wrong ones.
One thing multispectrum war has shown us is that independent units or even unbalanced ones are capable of just so much good. Armor with no infantry is vulnerable , infantry without air is quickly immobilized , and helicopters with no ground guidance is as indiscriminate as you'd like , and excessively vulnerable , to boot.
I'm telling you , there is no solution that is both good for France and so limited as this. You are giving your people impossible parameters.
Don't know what it is, but I'm agin'it.