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Diegetics • View topic - Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Attack on Japanese Supertanker

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Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby Tinker » Fri Jul 30, 2010 7:42 pm

The canary didn't die because this mine is dangerous, it died because it's lazy and wasn't raised with a proper work ethic.
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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby YMix » Fri Jul 30, 2010 8:18 pm

My inexpert opinion is that the dent looks too clean for something to have exploded against the side of the ship.
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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby Tinker » Fri Jul 30, 2010 11:45 pm

People on the ship say there was an explosion. Though you are thinking of an explosion in air which would scorch the metal. If there is water the buffers the fire from the metal then it's just pure concussive force.
The canary didn't die because this mine is dangerous, it died because it's lazy and wasn't raised with a proper work ethic.
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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby YMix » Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:21 am

Was it an improvised mine, I wonder?
Humanity ought to be the first order of interest for humans.
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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby AzariLoveIran » Sat Jul 31, 2010 8:12 am


The party's concernd know exactly what it was . . if explosion (mine or other device), there would be traces of explosives on the hull . . if ramming, there would be traces of the object rammed into the hull . . in any case finding what happened not big issue . .

Very big similarity with South Korean ship incident . . only America saying it was North Korean Torpedo, everybody else saying Torpedo nonsense . .

China not cooperating with US on North Korea . .

Looks like, America is fabricating incidents to make a case for something ahead . . China North Korean insurance policy, will not let anything happen to North Korea . .

Japanese ship incident in Persian Golf for sure a message . .

Keep your tank topped . . just in case . .


America, Israel, were trying to destabilize Lebanon (and Syria) . . to weaken Iran . .

Saudi - Syria - Lebanon.jpg
Saudi - Syria - Lebanon.jpg (27.08 KiB) Viewed 688 times

Assad & Lebanon president laughing . . Abdullah (the insurance policy) not in joking mood . .

Saudi signaling US Arab solidarity with Lebanon and Syria . . first time a Saudi monarch had visited Lebanon since

Looks like, next clash will be with Pakistan . . Cameron & Hillary preparing the ground for next phase, Pakistan adventure . .


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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby AzariLoveIran » Sat Jul 31, 2010 4:39 pm

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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby Tinker » Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:56 pm

Azari: If it were overheated oil tanks then it would've EXPLODED not IMPLODED. That means it would be convex rather than concave when looking at the ship from the outside. It couldn't have been internal. I can't think of anything that would have the power to cause that kind of a vacuum inside the ship.

And the South Koreans were the ones calling it a North Korean torpedo. I appreciate that you think we Americans are Gods and responsible for everything, but we're not. Other people do things to one another without consulting us.
The canary didn't die because this mine is dangerous, it died because it's lazy and wasn't raised with a proper work ethic.
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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby AzariLoveIran » Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:28 pm

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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby Tinker » Mon Aug 02, 2010 4:10 am

Do you even understand the reason why that could not possibly be an internal explosion? You can tell simply by looking at it that the explosion was external.

Another guy on another forum who claims to know something about the mechanics of air blasts says its commensurate with an explosion that exploded in the air about 15-20 feet away from the ship.
The canary didn't die because this mine is dangerous, it died because it's lazy and wasn't raised with a proper work ethic.
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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby AzariLoveIran » Mon Aug 02, 2010 7:13 am

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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby Endovelico » Thu Aug 19, 2010 10:34 am


In my opinion this incident was simply a warning by Iran about what it could do if it is attacked by the US or Israel. This was only a demonstration using a device meant to damage but not to destroy the tanker. If real torpedoes were used, Iran could sink dozens of oil tankers and effectively close the Hormuz canal. I guess the message was received and understood.
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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby AzariLoveIran » Thu Aug 19, 2010 2:23 pm

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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby Milo » Mon Aug 23, 2010 7:02 am

Why someone doesn't blow a tanker up in the Strait of Hormuz is beyond me.

After all if you want to hurt the west ect...
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Re: Attack on Japanese Supertanker

Postby AzariLoveIran » Mon Aug 23, 2010 10:57 am

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